Support Your SFSO Musicians

The Musicians are the South Florida Symphony. This is your orchestra. Without your support we would not exist.
We are proud of the programs we offer to our community but none of this would be possible without the talent and passion of our musicians.
Secure a Musician Seat for our upcoming 2019-20 Season MasterWorks Series. Let your musicians know you support their important mission. You can choose to support one concert or the whole season.
Our goal is to raise $500,000.00
$1,000.00-$1,250 Donation: Backstage Privilege before the concert you sponsored. Meet the musician whose seat you sponsored.
$5,000-$6,250 Donation: All of the above. Attend Rehearsal for each concert and sit with sponsored musician on stage. Reception with musicians at rehearsals.
$10,000 Donation: All of the above. Acknowledgement from stage. Photo in program Book.
$25,000 Donation: All of the Above. Season Tickets. Larger Photo in program book.
$50,000 Donation: All of the Above: Create your package with CEO.